ARIELA, LLC provides lively, dynamic educational services for students of any age who wish to expand their learning about the ancient world in diverse, exciting and stimulating ways. ARIELA president, Professor Emerita of Classics, Dr. Bella Vivante, conducts Customized Travels, especially to Greece and Turkey, which can be tailored to individual interests, arranges Performance of ancient Greek or modern poetry and drama, alone or together with other theatre professionals, and acts as Educational Consultant, teaching courses, giving lectures or workshops, tutoring individuals and providing general consultation. To each of these endeavors, Bella brings her travel, theatrical and academic expertise, her love of her subject, and her delight in sharing that expertise in these various ways.
Customized Travel
ARIELA, LLC can arrange customized tours to different locales that provide general historic, artistic, archaeological and literary backgrounds as well as focus on particular themes. Most trips run from 14 to 21 days. Designed to provide enjoyable educational experiences, all trips center around site and museum visits… »Read more
ARIELA, LLC can arrange for lively, dynamic Performances of ancient Greek or modern poetry and drama, performed by Company President, Bella Vivante, alone or in conjunction with others. These Performances can be for small or large groups, in salon or theatre settings… »Read more
Teaching & Consultancy
ARIELA, LLC can arrange for its President, Dr. Bella Vivante, to provide Educational Services by teaching courses, giving lectures or workshops, individual tutoring, and the like. These can be for various age levels, from third grade through college and adult continuing learners… »Read more